1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Improving the performance and effectiveness of human resource management in the industrial zone development company

AuthorPham Van Tinh
NoteA research study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration, School of Management
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractVietnam has been in the WTO for over one year. Foreign investment into Vietnam has increased significantly and has created many jobs in cities and provinces. But now in the market there is lack of skilled and educated labour force, especially in the field of finance, bank, insurance and trade. Vietnam enterprises are facing a shortage of adequate labour force because many employees are ready to leave for foreign enterprises with more attractive salary and working conditions. At the same time it is difficult for Vietnam enterprises to recruit new well qualified staff. The Industrial Zone Developing Company (Inzodeco) is facing the same situation. Inzodeco is the State-owned Company that was established in 1990. Its main activity is developing industrial zones in Dong Nai province. Inzodeco is one of the first companies in the country to successfully develop industrial zone. Now Inzodeco is facing the severe lack of well skilled and educated staff, especially in managerial positions. There are some critical causes leading to the shortage of well skilled and educated staff. These are low average salary, unattractive rewards and benefits, unsuitable recruitment and selection, and weak performance management. Among them the most important thing is performance management because this factor largely affects other ones such as salary, rewards, and recruitment. To have good performance management, the company must have good managerial staff and equip supported software on human resource management. Especially, the operation of a state owned company is not suitable for the current economic context any more. If it is not changed this will be a big obstacle for improving and solving the human resource problems because its operation is too much influenced by regulations of the Law on State Owned Enterprise. The most important action the company has to do for improving the situation is changing the operational model of the company. In general, human resource plays an important role in developing an enterprise or organization. From this research, it is obvious that labour force is the most precious asset of an enterprise and Inzodeco is the same case so the company has to conduct necessary measures to improve human resource management such as set up HRM Department, looking for talent HR manager with experience at the time changing the operational model takes place.
TypeResearch Study Project Report (RSPR)
SchoolSchool of Management (SOM)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Chairperson(s)Swierczek, Fredric William
Scholarship Donor(s)Sonadezi Bien Hoa

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