1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

The automotive parts industry in Thailand : prospects and challenges

AuthorYardtip Boonyatharokul
Call NumberAIT RSPR no.SM-00-28
Subject(s)Automobile supplies industry--Thailand

NoteA research study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration, School of Management
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementResearch studies project report ; no.SM-00-28
AbstractIn Thailand's national master plan for industrial development, the automotive parts manufacturing industry is listed among the supp01t industries that play an important role in the economic development of country. The reason behind is that the industry not only links direct ly to the automotive assembly industry, but also various basic industries of which automotive parts manufacturers are major customers. For more than twenty years, Thailand's automotive parts industry has been supported and promoted by the government especially through the local-content requirement schemes which requires that the local automobile assemblers of passenger cars have to employ not less than 54% of local contents. This scheme also applied to other kinds of vehicle: 61 % for pick-up, 70% for small truck using diesel engine and 45% for large truck. However, since January 1, 2000, this requirement has been abandoned in order to conform to the World Trade Organization-WTO's regulations. The discontinuation of local-content requirements will have direct impact on the local automotive parts producers, especially those which operates inefficiently and cannot compete in the more competitive market. The objective of the study is, therefore, to examine the situation of automotive parts industry in Thail and, to determine weaknesses and problems of automotive parts manufacturers and to find out the impact of the abolition of local-content requirement on the industry. From the study, it was found that with the government protection the automotive parts industry in Thailand was established and has been growing for more than twenty years However, the competitiveness of the industry is still at the lower level compared with those of developed countries even though it is higher than those of neighboring countries. The major problems and weaknesses of Thai manufacturers are the lack of technological capability. ineftlcient production, raw material problems and management problem. The economic crisis during the past few years also worsened the situation of the industry. The shrinking automobi les market directly affected and decreased the demand for auto parts. Most manufacturers faced liquidity problem and many had to go out of the business. For those who survive, they wi ll also face the higher competition situation after the abolition of local-content requirement. The impacts on OEM producers wi ll be greater than REM because automobi le assemblers now can buy parts and components from the world supply. When considering the impact on industry by product group, manufacturers producing parts using high technology wi ll receive the greater impact than those who are labor intensive manufacturers and use lower level of technology. In order to survive and be able to compete in the world market, Thai producers have to improve their qua lit y, reduce production cost and better their service and delivery. Strategies for them also include seeking for partners to get financial and technological assistance. extending their export market and developing their human resource especially in design & development and engineering capabil ity. Finally, the government also has an important role in adjusting the tariff structure and improving the industrial structure to create the environment and enhance the competiti veness of Thai 's auto parts industry.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Research studies project report ; no.SM-00-28
TypeResearch Study Project Report (RSPR)
SchoolSchool of Management
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Academic Program/FoSMaster of Business Administration (MBA) (Publication code=SM)
Chairperson(s)Tang, John C.S.;
Examination Committee(s)Bechter, Clemens;Sunanta Siengthai;
Scholarship Donor(s)Asian Institute of Technology;
DegreeResearch Studies Project Report (M.B.A.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 2000

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