1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Modelling stream flow, sediment yield and watershed management strategies : a case study of Keenjhar Lake in Pakistan

AuthorAli, Asif
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.WM-19-41
Subject(s)Watershed management--Pakistan--Keenjhar Lake
Runoff--Pakistan--Keenjhar Lake
Sediment control--Pakistan--Keenjhar Lake

NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Water Engineering and Management
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractRunoff and sediment load changes are affected by climate change and human activities in an integrated way and inappropriate use of land and poor ecosystem management have accelerated land degradation and reduced the storage capacity of reservoirs. To mitigate the effect of the increased sediment yield, it is important to identify the sediment yield in the area of Keenjhar lake watershed. The objectives of this study were to: (1) Examine the stream and sediment inflow in the Keenjhar Lake (2) To assess the spatial variability of sediment yield sub-basin wise (3) To evaluate the different land use management scenarios for watershed to minimize the sediment yield (4) To analyze the water quality of Keenjhar Lake affected by sedimentation. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used to simulate stream flow and sediment yield, identify soil erosion prone areas and assess the impact of land use management scenarios on sediment reduction in watershed. Calibration and validation were done by using SUFI-2, SWAT-CUP optimization algorithms. The study found satisfactory agreement between monthly observed and simulated flow concentration with Coefficient of determination (R2) =0.76, NashSutcliffe efficiency (NSE)=0.65, Percent bias (PBIAS)=7.40 %, for calibration and R2=0.85, NSE=0.77, and PBIAS=9.00 % for validation. For monthly observed and simulated sediment concentration with Coefficient of determination (R2) =0.73, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE)=0.64, Percent bias (PBIAS)=6.3 %, for calibration and R2=0.72, NSE=0.67, and PBIAS=6.5 % for validation. Total 348 metric tons per hectare per year sediment yield observed at watershed outlet, around 52% of sediment came from K.B feeder and 48% came from Watershed.Scenerio-1, Scenerio-2, Scenerio-3, Scenerio-4 and Scenerio-5 reduced the sediment yield at Station No.33, outlet of the Keenjhar Lake by 13.00%, 10.66%, 9.00%, 8.80%, and 11% respectively. Furthermore, eight water samples were collected deterministically from various areas of the Keenjhar lake and K.B feeder to examine the water quality. Seven water quality parameters were measured in all collected samples, including pH, DO, TDS, Nitrate, Turbidity, TSS and EC, it was examined that the TDS, Nitrate, DO and EC were within the WHO permissible limit and pH, Turbidity and TSS were exceeded the standard due to sedimentation.
SchoolSchool of Engineering and Technology (SET)
DepartmentDepartment of Civil and Infrastucture Engineering (DCIE)
Academic Program/FoSWater Engineering and Management (WM)
Chairperson(s)Asadi, Mohammad Esmaeil;
Examination Committee(s)Shanmugam, Mohana Sundaram;Shrestha, Sangam;Roa, Arturo Gementiza;
Scholarship Donor(s)Irrigation Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan;
DegreeThesis (M. Eng.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 2019

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