1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Technology transfer in small and medium enterprises in Nepal : a study of garment industry in Kathmandu Valley

AuthorPaudel, Arjun Prasad
Call NumberAIT RSPR no.SM-05-86
Subject(s)Clothing trade--Nepal--Technology transfer
Technology transfer--Nepal
NoteA research study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration, School of Management
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementResearch studies project report ; no. SM-05-86
AbstractIn Nepal, SME's are the major players in the economy. SME's account for 90 percent of all enterprises, and they employ more than 90 percent of all non-agriculture workforce in Nepal. But most of them are running on backward technologies, and are not competitive, neither regionally nor globally. Not only in Nepal, Small and Medium Enterprises, are now important players in many economies both in the developed and developing world. In many countries, they are major employers. So, the study of the SME's is very important in understanding their situation, and issues and problems associated with them. For a country like Nepal, where there is a lot to do in the fields of development, technology could be one of the means to accelerate the development process. To acquire new technologies, different modes of technology transfer could be a good option. In this way, Nepal can improve the situation of SME's. Though we say that we are now living in the most technologically advanced state in the history of mankind, large segment us are living in the absence of basic technologies. This technological inequality is widening in line with the economic inequality. One of the possible solutions to this technological inequality is the transfer of the most appropriate technology from the owner to the one who needs it most. Though the transfer of technology from the developed to the developing world deserves prominence, the technology transfer within a country itself and from a developing to another developing country is equally important. This research tried to study issues and problems related to technology transfer in SME's in Nepal through survey of garment industry in Kathmandu valley. Based on the available information and results of the study, the development of the garment industry in Nepal was found to be not planned at all. The technology transfer was also initiated by the transferors for their benefit rather than by and for the transferees. The major sources of technology were from neighbouring countries, predominantly India. Technology transfer was found to be static, with no continuous improvement and up gradation. The entrepreneurs pointed problem of financing as one of the major obstacles in transfelTing technology. There is also a strong lack of marketing capabilities. Overall, the garment industry in Nepal was found to be not competitive compared to its neighbouring countries, technology being one of the reasons behind it.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Research studies project report ; no. SM-05-86
TypeResearch Study Project Report (RSPR)
SchoolSchool of Management (SOM)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Academic Program/FoSMaster of Business Administration (MBA) (Publication code=SM)
Chairperson(s)Islam, Nazrul
Examination Committee(s)Paul, Himangshu; Do Ba Khang
Scholarship Donor(s)Government of Japan; Government of France
DegreeResearch report (M.Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology

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