1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Terrorism:|bimpacts on civilians and community defense strategy in Pakistan

AuthorWaheed, Abdul
Call NumberAIT Diss. no.RD-11-04
NoteA dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Regional and Rural Development Planning, School of Environment, Resources and Development
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractOver the past decade people in Pakistan have come to suffer from terrorism almost as an everyday phenomenon. Terrorism has flourished in Pakistan since 200 l, over 1500 terrorists' attacks targeted public places, government installations and houses of worship. Quite apart from its macro-impact on the economy and public safety arising from destruction of infrastructure, loss of mobility and livelihoods, and the psychology associated with fear or post-traumatic stress, such random violence is beginning to show impact on families who have directly suffered. As such, the human cost of terrorism in Pakistan perhaps far exceeds its socio-economic aspects. The current research aims to investigate the emerging patterns in terrorist activities following 9111 incident. It further articulates that how this growing warfare has affected the social and economic dynamics in families directly impacted. Moreover, it conceptualizes a terrorism prevention strategy named "community defense strategy" through enhancing community resilience/capacity. For the purpose of analysis the emerging pattern of terrorism, over 1180 terrorist incidents had been taken into account. Moreover, 124 deceased families and survivors families affected from terrorist attacks in Lahore were interviewed through questionnaire survey to investigate the social and economic consequences confronted by them following the te1rorist attacks. The findings suggested that terrorism has flourished in Pakistan since 2001. Over the time, terrorism activities spread across the country. Targeting main urban centers and law enforcement agencies staff and their establishments has increased. However, emergence of suicide attacks is the distinctive change is terr01ism since 200 l. With increased frequency, the terrorist attacks have become more lethal especially the suicide attacks which involved large scale human victimization. The society in general and the affected population in particular suffered serious socioeconomic consequences due to these attacks. Findings reveal that the effects of terrorism on these families are numerous and alter family dynamics. Family breadwinners are predominantly the direct victims. Their age, educational background and employment status indicate that educated, workingclass youth are the primary victims of attacks. In addition to the impact caused by the sabotage of business centers, the main effect of terrorist attacks has been financial setbacks created by the loss of family income after a victim's death. For survivors, severe multiple injuries have redirected family income previously available for educational expenses. These socioeconomic changes have also affected children's academic performance as majority of the children either failed to promote to next classes or received lower grades. Findings relevant to state role and responses suggested that state support extended to affected families is inadequate, and there is an immediate need for effective state intervention to rehabilitate these families and stimulate their socioeconomic recovery. In the midst of poor economic conditions and lack of social security, the affected families may slide into a vicious cycle of poverty. The state should initiate concrete measures to facilitate assistance to the affected families, particularly women, by enhancing their income-earning capacities and ensuring adequate employment opportunities. Provision of vocational training may be an effective strategy for addressing this issue and can help stimulate the process of economic recovery in the affected families. Similarly, it is imperative to identify measures to ensure continuity in the education of the children of affected families. Depriving these children of proper education could result in a heavy cost to society in the future. Because they are young, affected children are very vulnerable to becoming enticed by criminals or extremists, which could lead to their involvement in criminal or te1Torist activities if left unattended. Moreover, the level of te1rn1ism knowledge was also not satisfactory among the respondents. Along with this, lack of public pa11icipation in terr01ism related prevention measures at community level and lll absence of trust between general public and law enforcement agencies has strong implication for preventing and streamlining the counter-terrorism activities in Pakistan. Inadequate knowledge about the government efforts to combat terrorism is also affecting the public trust on the government and its machinery. It is therefore very important for the government to take prompt measures to increase the public awareness regarding terrorism and its prevention measure. In this regard, electronic media could play vital role by promoting and disseminating information besides covering the terrorist attacks incidents and political talks only.
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentDepartment of Development and Sustainability (DDS)
Academic Program/FoSRural Development, Gender and Resources (RD)
Chairperson(s)Ahmad, Mokbul Morshed
Examination Committee(s)Routray, Jayant Kumar ;Doneys, Philippe ; Pedahzur, Ami
Scholarship Donor(s)Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan - AIT Fellowship
DegreeThesis (Ph.D.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 2011

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