1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

The assessment of potential for rice-fish culture in recession rice farming system in Takeo province, Cambodia

AuthorSem Viryak
Call NumberAIT Thesis no. AS-99-09

NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, School of Environment and Resource Development
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementThesis ; no. AS-99-09
AbstractTakeo is one of the most productive rice-producing provinces. Rice surplus from flood recessibn rice cultivation has boosted Cambodia rice export. In recent years, increasing of pesticides uses and decreasing fish availability suggest that this area faces environmental degradation in the future. Introducing rice-fish culture into flood recession rice paddies can be partial answer to the recent drastic decline of fish consumption and environmental deterioration. The study was carried out iri Treang and Donkev Districts amount 120 households. The study investigated the implications of all relevant factors such as physical, biological, resources and socio-economic conditions that prevailed in the cmTent agricultural systems. Furthermore, the study also tried to find out the economic viability of each main enterprise within current farming systems. Four major farming systems described in this study are: flood recession rice, livestock, fish culture and wild fish capture systems. Results showed that the existing farming is ricebased systems with average recession rice yield is about 4 t/ha and average gross margin ranging from US$ 168.42/ha to US$ 251.27/ha. Farmers can not earn money from culture of Pangasius spy and pig rising which gross margin from these two enterprises were - US$ 11.22/100 m and -US$0.66/head respectively. However they were considered as saving money for later use. Wild fish still play a significant role for households' consumption. On average respondents consumed fish at 33. 75 kg/caput/year with an average eating frequency of 25 days/month. The most obvious constraints fear the farmers to introduce rice-fish culture are: lack of social security (poaching), heavy use of pesticides and unsuitable soil in some areas due to acid sulfate soil. Introduce rice-fish culture into flood recession rice area is a long-term development strategy that requires extensive and interdisciplinary research both on-farm and off-farm under close cooperation, co-ordination among various governmental institutions and between governmental institutions and NGOs.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Thesis ; no. AS-99-09
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentDepartment of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (Former title: Department of Food Agriculture, and BioResources (DFAB))
Academic Program/FoSAgricultural and Aquatic Systems (AS)
Chairperson(s)Yakupitiyage, Amararatne;
Examination Committee(s)Edwards, Peter;Demaine, Harvey;
Scholarship Donor(s)DANIDA;
DegreeThesis (M.Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1999

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