1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Gender perspectives of shifting cultivation : a case study of Sangthong Training Area, Lao PDR

AuthorLatsamy Chanthalangsy
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.SR-96-4
Subject(s)Shifting cultivation--Laos
Women in agriculture--Laos

NoteA thesis submitted in paitial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementThesis ; no. SR-96-4
AbstractSome gender issues related to shifting cultivation were studied in villages located within the training forest of the Vientiane Forest College. In the study respondents (35 males and 48 females) representing 83 randomly-selected households were inte1viewed. The main findings of the study are as follows: ( 1) The households are mainly headed by males. (2) The educational attainment of females is lower than that of males (3) Agriculture is the main occupation for 69% of the households (4) 50.4% of female and 49.6% of male household members are engaged in agiiculture (5) 70% of the fatmers have small landholdings ( 6) The most sedous problems in the villages are small size of fa1ms, sh01tage of labor and inadequate fe1tilizer. (7) Livestock raising is an integiĀ·al pa1t of fanning in the villages. From the gender standpoint, division of labor was well-defined. Gathedng of manure, weeding, cultivating, and va1ious household chores are responsibilities of women. Land preparation is a responsibility of men. In te1ms of decision making, men have more say than women in fa1m activities, except in the case of seed selection. When it comes to household activities, women have the giĀ·eater say, except in the case of division oflabor. Shifting cultivation eradication is not an easy task. Owing to the lack of suitable agiicultural land and its distribution resulted in forest destmction. Regarding the role of women in fa1m activities is less when compared to men. However, encouragement of off:fa1m activities like pig and poultiy raising, and weaving will benefit and increase household income. Meanwhile these activities are the task of women and the income generating alternative possibly contiibute to the reduction of shifting cultivation and land resources pressure. The results from this study possibly useful for finther development of the area, especially to involve women in development processes.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Thesis ; no. SR-96-4
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Academic Program/FoSSpace Technology Application and Research (SR)
Chairperson(s)Lantican, Celso B.;
Examination Committee(s)Kelkar, Govind;Remigio,, Amador A.;
Scholarship Donor(s)Lao-Geiman Forestty Team Project;
DegreeThesis (M. Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1996

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