1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

The development for agroforestry using a participatory approach : a case study of Sangthong training area in Laos

AuthorChanhda Hemmavanh
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.SR-96-9

NoteA thesis submitted in paitial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementThesis ; no. SR-96-9
Abstract'This study was conducted to determine the main features and the strengths and weaknesses of upland fanns in two villages in Sang Thong, Laos. The villages were found to be similar in terms of topographic and climatic conditions, population, age stmcture, occupation, religion, and educational level. However, they differed significantly in te1ms of fa1m area, faim productivity, pasture area, :firewood consumption, and total income on a household basis. They also differed in te1ms of bamboo production and the kinds and number of livestock raised. Among the strengths identified were the non-use of chemical fe1tilizers and the practice of multiple cropping in the uplands. The most se1ious weaknesses identified were: the use of herbicides for killing weeds, the high rate of soil erosion, the absence of trees in cropping systems, the sho1tening of fallow pe1iods, and uncontrolled burning. Recommendations were made to overcome the vaiious weaknesses. A land use classification system was devised and suggested for adoption. Agroforestty schemes to improve productivity and to conse1ve soil to achieve sustainability were presented. The establishment of agroforestty demonstration fa1ms in the villages was recommended, along with the advice that the planning and development of the fa1ms should be made with the paiticipation of the local people. It was pointed out that the demonstration faims can also se1ve as outdoor laborat01ies for teaching and reseaiĀ·ch.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Thesis ; no. SR-96-9
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Academic Program/FoSSpace Technology Application and Research (SR)
Chairperson(s)Lantican, Celso B.;
Examination Committee(s)Remigio, Amador A,;Apisit Eiumnoh;
Scholarship Donor(s)Lao-Geiman Forestiy Team.;
DegreeThesis (M. Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1996

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