1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Thailand's NRD information system : lessons for Indonesia's poverty eradication programme

AuthorIbnu, Amin
Call NumberAIT RSPR no. HS-94-01
Subject(s)Rural development--Indonesia

NoteA Research Study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, School of Engineering and Technology
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementResearch studies project report ; no. HS-94-01
AbstractAt least since the last decade most all of the developing Asia countries have been aware that previous development strategy which was only focused on economic growth and promoting industrial sector while ignoring distribution and social justice, would not give strong affect toward the welfare of the majority people. The shifting from dominantly growth to more equal social welfare and eradication of poverty, demanded area specific target approach and decentralization policy to enable people participation at the grassroots level. Rural development info1mation system is one of the crucial means for designating poor I lagging villages, then project and budget allocation could be based on those information. Thailand have been experienced with their National Rural Development Program (NRDP) since more than one decade in line with their national policy of poveity eradication. Within Their NRD program, a data base for rural development information system was set up since 1981, this NRD information system has been experienced and developed in te1ms of scope and coverage of, indicators, data aggregation, management aspect and participation of the people at the grassroots level. Indonesia initiated strong political commitment to eradicate pove1ty more clearly since 1993, through programs of lagging village development ("IDT") which focused on the poor people at the poor villages. Within the framework of this policy, a village based data info1mation system was initiated by conducting a nation wide village potential survey (PODES 1993) which main aims to revise the map of poor villages. As a Southeast Asian Country with similar setting, Indonesia could learn from Thailand's NRD information system experiences, particularly on scope and coverage, management and coordination aspect, technical aspect which related to indicators and data aggregation, and aspect of people participation at the grassroots level. This research study was focused on those above issues and comparison between the two countries was analyzed; gaps, advantages and disadvantages were identified, than some opportunities and recommendation could be made for improvement village based data info1mation system in Indonesia. Note: 1. This Research Study was completed as part of the requirements for the SPRING (Asia) Program. SPRING, an acronym for Spatial Planning for Regions in Growing Economies, is an M.Sc. program jointly offered by AIT and the University of Dortmund, Germany. Under the SPRING Program a Research Study can)'ing 12 credits, must be conceptualized and completed within only one term, i.e. from 1st. May to 31st. July 1994. Preferably, the topic should be related to the preceding District Development Workshop. The SPRING Program thus differs from other M. Sc. programs at AIT where most students write a thesis which spans at least eight months. 2. Professor Klaus R. Kunzmann (University of Dortmund, Germany) attended the final examinations of the SPRING (Asia) students in August 1994.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Research studies project report ; no. HS-94-01
TypeResearch Study Project Report (RSPR)
SchoolSchool of Engineering and Technology (SET)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Academic Program/FoSHuman Settlement (HS)
Chairperson(s)Dipl.Ing., H.D. Kammeier;
Examination Committee(s)Routray, J.K.;Lund, R.;
Scholarship Donor(s)Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Germany;
DegreeResearch Studies Project Report (M.Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1994

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