1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Temperature and pH profiling in the production of acetic acid from hydrolysed pineapple waste

AuthorVijayakumar, Raghavan
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.AE-93-12
NoteA Thes is proposal sub mitted in parti fulfillment of th erequire ments for the degree of Master of Engineering.
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementThesis ; no. AE-93-12
AbstractThe selecti on of suit able cellul ase- 4000 enzyme to hydrol yse th e pine apple was t e was in vesti gated and the results showed that cllulase at 0. 53 (w/w) was the most efficie ntinterms of converting ce llulo seinto fe r me nt a bl e s u ga r gi v in g a fin a l conc e ntr a tion of 46. 27 mg /ml. in thi r t ee n hour s. p H s hiftin g don e to se l ec t sui ta bl e se t point s r es ult ed in pH p rofilin g; 0 -6 h r pe riod at pH 4.2, 6-2 4 h r p er iod at pH 3.6 a nd 24-3 0 h r a t pH 3.0. A max imum of 33.72 ml/k g of a ce t ic a cid w as p r odu ce d b y pH profilin g. Te mperat ur e s hiftin g don e to se l ect se t po in ts r es ult e d in t emp era tur e p rofilin g ; 0- 12 h r pe riod at a t e mp erat u re 37 ° C, a 12- 18 hr pe riod a t 32°C, a 18-24 hr per iod at 27°C and a 24 -3 0 hrperiod at 32°C are c on s id e r ed for te mperatur e profilin g. The maximum of 61.1 7 ml/k g of acet ic a cid was p rod u ce d by te m pera tu re pr ofilin g . Tem pera tu re profilin g gav e a 27.45 ml/k g yie ld hi g herth an by pH profilin g. Hydrol yse d and non - hydroly se d pi n eap pl e waste fer me nted for 48 hou rs at a co n stan t te mp erat ur e of 32°C an d co n s t a nt p H 3.8, yie ld ed 49.33 ml/k g and 32.54 ml/k g ace tic a cid respect i ve l y. Th e acet icaci d yie ld from hydrol ysed waste a ndte mper a tur e pro filin g gave a y iel d of 61.1 7 g/k g a nd th e yi e ld wa s 87. 93 higher when compared wi th t he non - h ydro ly sed fer me ntat ion of pine apple waste . In all above fer m nt a tions 10 3 v / v Aceto ba.ctor aceti was u sed as an inoculum .
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Thesis ; no. AE-93-12
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentDepartment of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (Former title: Department of Food Agriculture, and BioResources (DFAB))
Academic Program/FoSAgricultural and Food Engineering (AE)
Chairperson(s)Liangantileke, S.G
Examination Committee(s)K. Jindal, Vinod;Athapol Noomharam;Visvanathan, C.;Vincent, Jean Claude
Scholarship Donor(s)The Government of Germany (DAAD)
DegreeThesis (M.Eng.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1993

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