1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Technology and economic analysis for pervaporation in distilleries : case study of three Indian distilleries

AuthorRamalingam, Babu
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.ET-92-15
NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Engineering
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractThe increasing cost of energy aJJd the rapid rate of technological changes, leaves the okl <1nd existing technologies highly inefficient, with out the conrinuous improvements. ln this study, a emerging membrane technique, perv11poraUon, is considered for possible improvements in technology practiced in three distilleries which had been surveyed.The specific energy consw11plion of 95 - 96 vol % aJcohol of this three distilleri es was found to be 50 to 60 percent higher when compared to an energy efficient distillery. An industry level mass imd en ergy balance fa done to 4uan1ity the flows. An economk analysis was done to highlight the fe<1sibility of pervaporation in comparison with the existing dehydraUon of aJcohol through the azeotropic route. The net. present value and internal rnl o of return of these two processes was found to be 138.96 million Rs and 55 percent and 126.06 million Rs and 52 percenl for azeotropic distillation and pervaporalion respecUvcly. Both the projects are semitive to alcohol selling price and then to the raw mate1ial cost. Fina.Uy a technology analysis was done for I.he exMing faci1Jti es of the three distilleries when compared to a Surrogate firm. It was found that all the three distilleries are inferior Lo surrogate firm. In fact large gaps exist in supp01ifog fadJitj es for fennent.aUon a11d distillntion like Boiler house and process instrumentation.
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentDepartment of Energy and Climate Change (Former title: Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change (DEECC))
Academic Program/FoSEnergy Technology (ET)
Chairperson(s)Mora, Jean Claude;
Examination Committee(s)Tentscher, Wolfgang ;Mohanty, Brahmanand;
Scholarship Donor(s)DANIDA;
DegreeThesis (M.Eng.) - Asian Institute of Technology

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