1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Solute transport modeling using SUTRA in a multiaquifer system

AuthorGangopadhyay, Subhrendu
Call NumberAIT Thesis no. WA-93-03

NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulf illment of requirement for the degree of Master of Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementThesis ; no. WA-93-03
AbstractSUTRA (Qaturated ~nsaturated Transport) i s a two-dimensional hybr id f init e-e l eme nt and int egrated finit e-d iff e r ence mod e l which can s imul ate fluid movement and the transport of dissolved s ubstances in a s ub s urf ace env ironme nt . The mod e l was first modi fi e d to a quasi-three-dimensional mod e l and then ap pli ed to s imulat e gro undwate r flow and c hl or ide movement in the multi aquif er system under lying the c i ty of Bangko k . In prev i ous st udi es only a s ing l e aq uif e r system has been cons id ered to s tudy the sa lt water movement. In this st ud y a ll the aq uif ers has been co ns id ered a nd the dynamic interaction between the aquifers has been cons id ered to st udy the sa ltwate r encroac hment in this compl ex multi aquif er system. The model has bee n ca librated with t he recent (1 990 ) observed data and s ubseq uently app li ed to predict the sa ltwater moveme nt under a set of pumping schemes. This s tud y confir ms t hat a quas i -t hree-d ime ns ion a l model i s no t ap propri ate to s imul ate the dynamic behavior of th e Bangkok multi -aquif er system. Also the initi a l c hl o rid e distribution cons i de rin g an updated mode l boundary a nd the interact i on between aq ui fers has been est imated. The possible sources of sa ltwater cont aminat i on for the aq ui fe r s Phra Pradaeng an d Nak hon Luang has also been i dentifi ed.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology.
SchoolSchool of Engineering and Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Civil and Infrastucture Engineering (DCIE)
Academic Program/FoSWater Resources Research Engineering (WA)
Chairperson(s)Gupta, Ashim Das;
Examination Committee(s)Suphat Vongvisessomjai;Onta, P.R.;Vachi Ramnarong;
Scholarship Donor(s)Government of Net herlands.;
DegreeThesis (M.Eng.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1993

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