1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

A prefeasibility study on combination of reverse osmosis and evaporation process in a sugar mill

AuthorLe Le Kyu
Call NumberAIT RSPR no. ET-92-3
Subject(s)Reverse osmosis
NoteA research study (12 credits) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science.
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementResearch studies project report ; no. ET-92-3
AbstractThe existing evarioration u ni t in the sugar mill consumes the la rge amoun t or steam. The effi cien t en ergy coJts urnp tion in t he evaporation syst. c~m of the KHON KANE S ugar- MU1 , 1'l1 ailand. is in v estigat ed . .An .intc->.gr a ted combin ati on of rever [;() os mosis (RO) an cl evaporation process to ac hieve t h e reduction of en ei·gy cons um ption i n t h e su gar- rnill is investigat ed as a prefeas i'oility stn dy . Enet gy a nd mass balan ces ar e separ a tel y cons idered on RO a nd evapora tion units .in t his study. Membrane t echnology l1a8 been devel ope d in ind11s t r ial appl i cat ion for t lie separa tion of . liquid - liq uid and l.iqujd - solid st.r eams . In this s tud y r everse osmos is as a technique .for water r emov ing i8 selected du e to Hi e lower en ergy con sumption, production cos t anct higher wa te r removed. The proposed reverse osmos is of'fe rs a possibly to r emove wat er process for 65% water r emov al of 8 ,000 m3/ day s ugar juice at process prt!ss11 re 102 a t.m an d 0 .015 kglm2-s atm water perm eate flu x. Aft.er passing the RO nn it , the can e j uice is con centrated from 15 br.ix to 55 hri x . Then juice is more concen t r at ed jn donbl e effect evaporator w1tJ1 vapor bl eeding fro1ri 55 bt'i x to 65 br i x. The fi rs t 1aw a nd second law ef ficien cy of proposed evaporator are mor e effj cient t h an existin g syst em. Hav :ir1 g pas.sect from evaporator the jui C'e Ls changed t o a f ur th er s mall grow th of' su crose crys t a ls by v acuum pan (cry st a lLi zer). Estimate capital cost of the RO plant is 3 mil}jon U$ to J'emo ve the 5,200 rn3/day wati~r ln sugar jui ce a nd, t.o tal produ ction cos t is bas ed on cal c ulated a s membra n e replacement cos t., enc:!rgy cos t. and oper ating a nd mainten an ce with labor c:ost, which amoun t is 0. 25 US$ Im~ of 64% wat er r emov al. Ben efits obtain by savi n g energy s upplied from fl ash steam which amount is 12 GJ /h. From t.h e point of view of econ omi c ana lysis, the n et present val ue, interr1al r a t e of retun1 and p ~1 y- back period aI' t-? US$ 746,000, 20 .6% and 17 yea1·s,respecti vely on th e inves tm en t . The RO membran e llfe time is the most serious ch an ging p a r ameter in etpresen t value by the sens itivity anal ysis.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Research studies project report ; no. ET-92-3
TypeResearch Study Project Report (RSPR)
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD)
DepartmentDepartment of Energy and Climate Change (Former title: Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change (DEECC))
Academic Program/FoSEnergy Technology (ET)
Chairperson(s)Mora, J.C.
Examination Committee(s)Tentscher, W.;Visvanathan, C.
Scholarship Donor(s)Keidanren Foundation, Japan.
DegreeResearch Studies Project Report (M.B.A.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1992

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