1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Technological learning in PABX industry : comparative study between Thai and French firms

AuthorArunporn Limskul
Call NumberAIT RSPR no. SM-92-12
Subject(s)Technological innovations--Thailand
Technological innovations--France
NoteA research study submitted in partial i'ulfi1lment of the requirements for the degree of master of Business Administration..
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementResearch studies project report ; no. SM-92-12
AbstractTechnology is considered to be one of the tools of competitive advrmtage. Many researchers try to understand technology development in many ways. A firm is effected by external influences and responds to them by the internal competence inside the firm. This Research Study tries to understand technology development through the ways the firms in PABX indust1y learn and accumulate technology capability and lmowledge. The external and internal factors of firms also were studied. Firms in Thailand as from a developing country and in Fm.nee as from a developed co11nt1y are chosen to maJ(e meani.ngfnl comparison.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Research studies project report ; no. SM-92-12
TypeResearch Study Project Report (RSPR)
SchoolSchool of Management (SOM)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Academic Program/FoSMaster of Business Administration in International Business (Publication code = SM)
Chairperson(s)Gougeon, Pattick
Examination Committee(s)Ramanathan, Krishnamurthy;Hyun, Young Suk
Scholarship Donor(s)Canadian International Development Agency;The European Community
DegreeResearch Studies Project Report (M.B.A.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1992

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