1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Impact evaluation of the

AuthorOjha, Ek Raj
Call NumberAIT Thesis no. HS-90-15

NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science, School of Engineering and Technology
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
Series StatementThesis ; no. HS-90-15
AbstractWomen in Development (WiD) has aptly been a major focus in today's developing world. The Production Credit for Rural Women ( PCRW ) Program is one a mon g the several distinct women development programs. Desirable socio-economic changes have occurred among the project beneficiaries taken as a group. Despite the possession of assets such as land of low quality, the earnings from all three major sectors, viz. , agriculture, cottage industry and services have increased significantly. Against the lower attainment of formal education, overall literacy has improved owing to such schemes as adult education and chelibeti karyakram (program for daughters). Facilities like .supply of drinking water , operation of shishu sewa kendra (child care centre ) and training on farm practices, fodder management, primary health care and use of unnat chulo (improved stove ) and improved latrine have made life easier and prospects brighter than ever before. Interaction with officials resulted in the building of confidence , self- esteem and capability to articulate ne eds. Relations with other individuals are improved, on the whole. Orientation towards commercialization has been manifest. Along with existing limitations and constraints in the working mechanism , the changes brought about are yet limited. Industrial enterprises are lagging behind. Changes are limited to a relatively low proportion of the target group. Ideal and important schemes like adult education and s hishu sewa kendra, for instance, have not yet contributed to the extent to which they superficially appear to have contributed. Lack of adequate and efficient extension services, shortage of good quality and sufficient quantity of farm inputs and absence of a suitable market mechanism to facilitate sales of farm produce or crafts products are recognizable. Women's participation in community work is weak. Public utilities such as power generator, kuwa (natural well), pati (tree shaded platform), pauwa (rest house ) and trails are in dilapidated condition. Inter-agency coordination is not strong enough . Among these existing circumstances, the PCRW project has a great deal to contribute and the challenge is as large as there is scope for the project. To this end, ten sets of specific topical recommendations for planning and six closely related recommendations for further study are presented.
Corresponding Series Added EntryAsian Institute of Technology. Thesis ; no. HS-90-15
SchoolSchool of Engineering and Technology (SET)
DepartmentOther Field of Studies (No Department)
Academic Program/FoSHuman Settlement (HS)
Chairperson(s)Weber, Karl E.;
Examination Committee(s)Demaine, Harvey ;Wickramanayake, B.W.E.
Scholarship Donor(s)Asian Development Bank and Government of Japan;
DegreeThesis (M.Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1990

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