1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Identification and health impact of a new territrem (tremorgenic mycotoxin) of A. terreus 23-1

AuthorPeng, Fu-chuo
Call NumberAIT Thesis no. EV-84-8
Subject(s)Mycotoxins--Physiological effect
NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, School of Environment, Resources and Development
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractThe procedures of isolation and purification of B' were found to be similar to those of TRD. B' was highly soluble in chloroform and less soluble in n-hexane. These satisfies the use of chloroform as an extractant and a-hexane as a precipitant. The chloroform:acetone solvent system for clean-up step was also the same as for TRB. As the benzene-ehtylacetate was shown to be the best system for separating TRA and TRB, the same solvent system, benzene-ehtylacetate (50 :5 V/V) could be effectively used to separate TRB and B'. B' has a maximal UV absorption at 219 nm and 331 nm which are similar to those of TRB but B' of E219/E331 is 1.68 which is lower than that of TBB. The eleven protons of aryl moiety of TRB including three methoxyl Ar-OCH3 and two Ar-H2 were also found in PMR of B'. One proton of C(B) of TRB was equivalent of one proton of B'. IR at 1967 cm-1 in B' as well as in TRB is typical for conjugated Ketone carbonyl group. IR at 1127cm-1 in B' demonstrated the presence of c-o-c stretching. A series of fragment ions of TRB such as m/e 195, 2·10, 237, 278, 291 and 345 were also found in B'. 'file results were interpreted that B'· has similar structure of A, B, and C ring as TRB. From high resolution mass spectrum analysis shown that the molecular composition of B' was c,. H34 O10 while that of TRB was C 29 H34 O9. Thus the difference of the molecular composition of these two compounds was 16 (0). However, the exact structure of B'· should be studied with the X-ray crystallography. Although 1 mg up to 2 mg of B' did not induce tremors or other symptoms in mice by 1.p. injection. B' could augment twitch tension of mice phrenic nerve-·diaphragm preparation by indirect stimulation at the concentration of 3 pg/mL. The activity is approximately 1/750 of TRB. No cytotoxicity was observed in sister chromatid exchange __ in Chi11ese hamster ovaries cells culture in vivo at the concentration of 100 mM, and no mutagenicity was found from the sister chromatid exchange test. and Ames' test.
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development
DepartmentDepartment of Energy and Climate Change (Former title: Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change (DEECC))
Academic Program/FoSEnvironmental Engineering and Management (EV)
Chairperson(s)Chongrak Polprasert
Examination Committee(s)I, Fude ;Samorn Muttamara
Scholarship Donor(s)Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft
DegreeThesis (M.Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1984

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