1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

A cost-benefit analysis of small-scale fisheries project : oru mechanization in Rekawa village, Hambantota district, Sri Lanka

AuthorGomez, Felix Michael
Call NumberAIT SSPR no.HS-82-05
Subject(s)Fishery management
Cost effectiveness

NoteA special study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science, School of Engineering and Technology
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractIt has been found that mechanization of orus in Rekawa Village can increase the income of the small-scale fishermen. However, in terms of employment generation it is insignificant since no new crafts are being introduced. This is a second part of a two-part study. This part deals with the cost-benefit analysis of introducing outboard motor (OBM) onto indigenous crafts - orus. Section one gives a general introduction and background to the study. Section two deals with the description of the project. The costs arid benefits are discussed in this section. The third section discusses the technical- aspects of the project. This section also gives the investment, operating costs and the sensitivity analyses carried out. Section four provides some insight into some past experiences and social consequences of mechanization. The fifth section contains the cost-benefit logic and computer program used in the analysis. Finally, the cost-benefit analysis carried out concludes that if mechanization is to be implemented; the catch derived should average out to 9 tons per year and prices not less than Rps.7500 per ton. This conclusion is only valid if the monthly household expenditure does not exceed Rps.1000. The present household expenditure is Rps .850 per month.
TypeSpecial Study Project Report (SSPR)
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development
DepartmentDepartment of Energy and Climate Change (Former title: Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change (DEECC))
Academic Program/FoSHuman Settlement (HS)
Chairperson(s)Iwami, Toshikatsu ;
Examination Committee(s)Vokes, Richard W. A. ;
Scholarship Donor(s)Canadian International Development Agency;
DegreeSpecial Studies Project Report (M. Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1982

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