4 The role of sericulture in rural development | |
Author | Yiin, Shin-yuan |
Call Number | AIT SSPR no. HS-82-12 |
Subject(s) | Sericulture |
Note | A special study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science, School of Engineering and Technology |
Publisher | Asian Institute of Technology |
Abstract | In terms of income and employment generation, it has been found that sericulture has a good potential f or rural development in the Hambantota District, Sri Lanka. This study is divided into two parts. The first part of the study deals with the technical and economic aspects of sericulture development. It includes research , education, training a n d extension aspects. Approaches to the development of sericulture adopted by some countries are examined based on literature review in order to prepare for the project proposal which is presented in the second part of the study. The project proposal deals with the role o f sericulture in rural development on an overall basis. It emphasizes the technical and economic aspects of dev eloping sericulture industry in Hambantota district. In accordance with the HIRDEP objectives , this project proposal aims to uplift the low-income and disadvantaged people's living standards. The organization of the project proposal report starts with a general introduction and background of the study. Objectives, justification and description of the project were also established. The author's field work survey results and various project input supplies such as silkworm eggs, etc. were presented and identified. It also touches on project management dealing with various concerned agencies functions and coordination. Direct project benefits and intangible benefits were identified. The proposal also includes the manner by which the project could ne implemented. Lastly, a financial study to appraise the feasibility of the project was conducted. Special emphasis was put on the project participants profitability analysis. Finally, the proposal has shown that this project is financially and technically viable for implementation. |
Year | 1982 |
Type | Special Study Project Report (SSPR) |
School | School of Engineering and Technology |
Department | Department of Civil and Infrastucture Engineering (DCIE) |
Academic Program/FoS | Human Settlement (HS) |
Chairperson(s) | Dias, Hiran D. |
Examination Committee(s) | Vokes, Richard W. A. |
Scholarship Donor(s) | Government of the Republic of China |
Degree | Special Studies Project Report (M. Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1982 |