1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Design and testing of an absorber for a dehumidification system regenerated by solar energy

AuthorTan, Kah Hock
Call NumberAIT Thesis no. ET-81-5
Subject(s)Solar air conditioning

NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering, School of Environment, Resources and Development
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractA small experimental absorber using calcium chloride as liquid desiccant has been constructed and effectively operated as a first step towards the development of a solar dehumidification system. The system is simple, and little electrical power is consumed in delivering air and circulating fluids. The effectiveness of the absorber is found to be 77% . The effects of solution concentration and temperature on absorption rate are discussed The Stepwise multi-regression analysis computer programme is used to determine from the experimental results the relationships between air and solution; and between the absorption r ate and the solution temperature at two levels of solution concentration .
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development
DepartmentDepartment of Energy and Climate Change (Former title: Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change (DEECC))
Academic Program/FoSEnergy Technology (ET)
Chairperson(s)Exell, Robert H.B.;
Examination Committee(s)Saunier, G.Y. ;Walter, Despiegelaere, Ir. ;
Scholarship Donor(s)Carls Duisberg Gesellschaft, Government of the · Federal Republic of Germany·;
DegreeThesis (M.Eng.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1981

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