1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Small scale photovoltaic water pumping : direct-coupled systems driving centrifugal pumps

AuthorEaswarakhanthan, Thirunavukarasu
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.ET-81-10
Subject(s)Photovoltaic power generation
Centrifugal pumps

NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering, School of Environment, Resources and Development
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractA theoretical study, on photovoltaic pumping is undertaken to establish the most efficient direct- coupled system and to evaluate the relative merits of a system with a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) as an interfacing device, over the direct-coupled system. An experimental study on the performance of a direct-coupled system is carried out by setting up an installation of solar panels, direct-current permanent magnet motor and centrifugal pump. Using mathematical models of the system components, it is shown that the direct- current permanent magnet motor with centrifugal pump provides the best adaptation to the direct-coupled system. Further, a comparative simulated performance study shows that the system with MPPT starts pumping earlier than the direct- coup.1ed system and that it could pump even during cloudy atmospheres. Moreover, the simulation of daily flow, throughout a year, indicates that with MPPT, t he yearly flow increases by around 25% . The effect of an eventual sun tracking system is also considered in the theoretical studies. The experimental study carried out on t h e direct-coupled sys tern concludes that the system efficiency is between 3.2 and 4.1% for heads between 4.5 and 5.5 m, with the illumination levels above 600 W/m2 . The parameters of the regression models are obtained for the working curve of the system and for the characteristics of the pump, The performance curves are also given.
SchoolSchool of Environment, Resources, and Development
DepartmentDepartment of Energy and Climate Change (Former title: Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change (DEECC))
Academic Program/FoSEnergy Technology (ET)
Chairperson(s)Follea, D.;
Examination Committee(s)Saunier, G.Y. ;Walter, Despiegelaere, Ir. ;
Scholarship Donor(s)The Government of United Kingdom;
DegreeThesis (M.Eng.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1981

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