Anaerobic digestion study of distillery waste | |
Author | Nisakorn Kositratana |
Call Number | AIT Thesis no.EV-81-15 |
Subject(s) | Sewage--Purification--Rotating disc process |
Note | A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, School of Environment, Resources and Development |
Publisher | Asian Institute of Technology |
Abstract | Distillery wastewater is one of the most significant sources of high strength waste in the alcoholic beverage industry. Attempt was made to treat this kind of waste by low cost of construction and simplicity of operation and maintenance as well as the energy recovery. Anaerobic digestion was found to be primary treatment process for cane molasses distillery wastewater, with high BOD removal efficiency. It has the addition advantage of recovery of methane gas which in turn can be used as fuel in steam generation for distillation process . 9 kg COD per cubic meter of working capacity per day was found to be optimum for semicontiguous anaerobic digestion of MAS at 35°C . The polluting organic matter could achieve 90% BOD removal and methane gas yielded at 23 m per m3 of MAS treated. By economic analysis, the MAS primary treatment cost by anaerobic digestion was found to be ~65 per m of MAS treated, but the benefit cost ratio was about 1.7. |
Year | 1981 |
Type | Thesis |
School | School of Environment, Resources, and Development |
Department | Department of Energy and Climate Change (Former title: Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change (DEECC)) |
Academic Program/FoS | Environmental Engineering and Management (EV) |
Chairperson(s) | Samorn Muttamara; |
Examination Committee(s) | Nguyen, Cong Thanh ;Lohani. B.N.; |
Scholarship Donor(s) | Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft, e .V.; |
Degree | Thesis (M.Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1981 |