1 AIT Asian Institute of Technology

Triaxial behaviour of Phra Wihan sandstones, Thailand

AuthorJayawardane, Merennage Padma Jayanthi
Call NumberAIT Thesis no.GT-80-18

NoteA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, School of Engineering and Technology
PublisherAsian Institute of Technology
AbstractThe stress-strain and strength. characteristics of Phra Wihan sandstones from northeastern Thailand were investigated by performing triaxial compression tests at varying confining pressures from 5 - 25 MPa. Further,, point load tests, pulse velocity tests, .petrographic observations and determination of density and porosity were done in order to correlate the stress-strain and strength.. characteristics with other index properties. The triaxial compression test results indicate that the Phra Wihan sandstones .show brittle behaviour and that with. increasing confining pressure, the rupture and yield strengths as well as. the Poisson's ratio increase while the angle of fracture decreases. Using Mohr's criterion the shear strength.. was 4etermined to be 14.9 MPa and the value of angle of friction obtained decreased with. increasing confining pressure from 40. 4° to 38 . 5°. From Griffith.' s criterion the Griffith.. constant (predicted uniaxial tensile strength..) was computed and it increased with. increasing confining pressure from 17.2 to 28.9 MPa. The following empirical criteria were obtained· to predict the triaxial strength of Phra Wihan sandstones: o1 = 108 +7.83 o3;o1 = oc + 19.60 3 0.71; tm = 12+0.77 om and o1/oc = o3/oc + 32.6 o3/oc + 1 Correlation of triaxial test results with_ results of other tests on Phra Wihan sandstone indicate that the rocks with. higher values of bulk and dry densities have higher values of rupture. strength-; the rocks which, under the microscope, show overgrowths have higher strength values and those which show evidence of former deformation (unloose extinction) have lower strength values. The relationship between the dynamic modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio (obtained from pulse velocity tests) and static modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio (obtained from triaxial compressive tests) was established and can be expressed as follows: Et =0.73 . x 10 4 + 0.21 · Ed; E sec =-0 . 32 x 10 4 + 0.31 Ed; vs =0.15 + 0.25 vd
SchoolSchool of Engineering and Technology
DepartmentDepartment of Civil and Infrastucture Engineering (DCIE)
Academic Program/FoSGeotechnical and Transportation Engineering (GT)
Chairperson(s)Prinya Nutalaya ;
Examination Committee(s)Balasubramaniam, A.S. ;Jersasak Premchitt ;
Scholarship Donor(s)Royal Netherlands Government ;
DegreeThesis (M. Sc.) - Asian Institute of Technology, 1981

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