Coordinating a supply chain for deteriorating items under VMI with supply contracts by Anyarin Sakrujiratham Academic Program/FoS: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) |
Customer's pie for experiencescape design by Duangthida Hussadintorn Na Ayutthaya Academic Program/FoS: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) |
Evaluating supply chain resilience : renewal theory and Markov chain modeling approaches by Suchera Putthakosa Academic Program/FoS: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) |
Vendor-managed inventory with emergency transshipment policy by Oke Kar Min Academic Program/FoS: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) |
Visual inspection based on vibrothermography technique by Choosak Ngaongam Academic Program/FoS: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) |
4-Axis CNC milling on impeller parts by Arachchige, Aruna Saranga P.W. Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A batching approach to production planning in flexible manufacturing systems by Sanjay, Basu Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A CAD/CAM application in the development of a tire mold master : a case study by Pimentel, Juraine Go Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A chance constrained model of water quality management in a river basin by Li, Tong-yi Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A comparative study of algorithms for level scheduling in just-in-time production systems by Medhi, Santanoo Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A comparative study of the administration and operation of the public bus systems in Bangkok and Manila by Fontanilla, Rolando Pinera Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A comparative study on economic development in selected Asian countries by Miyoshi, Kazunori Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A computer aided design methodology for die-casting dies : a case study by Khin Maung Myint Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A computer based inventory accounting information system for the physical plant of AIT by Ahmed, Mohammad Saeed Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A computer-based decision support system for production planning and control at the Thai Paper Company by Jettanut Jirananda Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A decision support system for multicriteria machine selection for flexible manufacturing systems by Verma, Devendra Kumar Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A decision support system for project selection based on the multicriteria approach : the case of foreign investment in Vietnam by Ho Thanh Phong Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A due date assignment model :|ban application in a paper box plant by Wandee Arunrungseewej Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A dynamic and spatial model for measuring technology transfer potentials by Haq, A. K. M. Abdul Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |
A feature-based approach to the design and manufacturing of rotational machine parts by Alam, Md. Shah Academic Program/FoS: Industrial Engineering (IE) |