Browse by Year

Biological fluidized bed pretreatment for manganese removal and its effect on membrane fouling
by Pradhan, Nabin
call number: AIT Thesis no. EV-98-8
Biological nitrogen removal under inhibitory conditions in a sequencing batch reactor
by Karn, Sunil Kumar
call number: AIT Thesis no. EV-98-14
Biomass options for greenhouse gases mitigation
by Leelananda, R. K.
call number: AIT Thesis no. ET-98-25
Biophysical and socio-economic factors influencing cropping pattern and crop production in the dry zone of Sri Lanka
by Nianthi, K. W. G. Rekha
call number: AIT Thesis no.HS-98-17
Boolean similarity measures for Internet resource discovery services
by Addanki, Padma
call number: AIT Thesis no.CS-98-5
Branding of general reagents in Thailand
by Sarintorn Kiattiyoscharoen
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-24
Branding of pharmaceuticals in China : a case study of aspirin
by Wang, Jiping
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-43
Building a temporal memory of the Web
by Ho Phuong Mai
call number: AIT Thesis no. IM-98-11
Building long-term energy demand and environmental scenarios consistent with national macro-economic scenarios using expert systems : methodology and system implementation
by Cao Quoc Hung
call number: AIT Diss. no. ET-98-1
Business negotiation in the cultural context of Confucianism
by Yang, Fuli
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-42
Business process redesign : using unified modeling language (UML)
by Achara Pitaknitinan
call number: AIT Thesis no. IM-98-05
Capability assessment of local government units in Bohol province, Philippines
by Rosa, Elnora M. de la
call number: AIT Thesis no.HS-98-04
Capacity planning in discrete manufacturing environment :a case study
by Kanchana Samuhavinyoo
call number: AIT Thesis no. ISE-98-28
Capital budgeting and financial management practices in Cambodia : a case study of the Shell Company of Cambodia Limited, S.A.
by San Sarana
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-18
Capital budgeting decision practice Indonesian companies : a case study of Sriwidjaya Fertilizer Company Limited (PT.Pusri)
by Taufik
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-45
Capital budgeting practices in the chemical process industry : a comparative analysis between developed and developing countries
by Das, Sanjoy
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-40
Characterization of pseudo-elastic shear modulus and shear strength of Bangkok clay
by Nattavut Theramast
call number: AIT Thesis no. GE-97-12
Chemical stabilization of Bangkok clay : addition of salts and other additives
by Kamruzzaman, A. H. M.
call number: AIT Thesis no. GE-97-15
Chitin and chitosan production by fungi in solid state and surface culture processes
by Wai Prathumpai
call number: AIT Thesis no. BP-98-8
Chitosan microcapsules and chitosan membrane for drug delivery systems
by Anal, Anil Kumar
call number: AIT Thesis no. BP-98-12