Operational strategy for septage dewatering in constructed wetlands by Rungrod Jittawattanarat call number: AIT Thesis no. EV-98-15 |
Optimal design and operation of Kok-Ing-Chao Phraya transbasin diversion system by Thana Boonyasirikul call number: AIT Diss. no. WM-97-03 |
Optimal loss reduction : a case study of Yangon distribution system by Naing Win Oo call number: AIT Thesis no. ET-98-7 |
Optimization of steel frames using genetic algorithms by Torregosa, Ribelito F. call number: AIT Thesis no.ST-98-05 |
Organizing the electronic shopping mall structure for competitive advantage by Ash, Analiza Jocosol call number: AIT Thesis no. IM-98-18 |
Parallel image processing algorithm for convex exemplar SPP system by Davaasambuu, Davaajargal call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-98-9 |
Parametric design of CNC position servo's : a case study by Narongsak Thammachot call number: AIT Thesis no. ISE-98-36 |
Partial purification and characterization of transglutaminase produced by Streptoverticillium Ladakanum by Li, Ping call number: AIT Thesis no. BP-98-6 |
Partially Aerated Biofilter (PAB) for simultaneous removal of SS, COD, and nitrogen using immobilized bacteria by Thapa, Phatta Bahadur call number: AIT Thesis no. EV-98-9 |
Participation biodiversity assessment of protected areas : a case study of Dong Phou Vieng Protected Area, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR by Sysongkham Mahathirath call number: AIT Thesis no.SR-98-08 |
Perception and awareness assessment on productivity of Thai construction personnel by Charn Triamsirivolrakul call number: AIT Thesis no. ST-98-52 |
Perceptions of excellence in leadership in China : similarities and differences by Xie, Shixin call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-92 |
Performance comparison on distributed network topologies by Timilsina, Indra Kumari call number: AIT Thesis no. CS-98-11 |
Performance enhancement of the AIT solar tunnel dryer by Mastekbayeva, Gauhar A. call number: AIT Thesis no. ET-98-1 |
Performance evaluation and improvement of selected material planning functions in plastic industry by Eakwut Suttilert call number: AIT Thesis no. ISE-98-34 |
Performance evaluation of concatenated Reed Solomon coding and Trellis coded modulation for Rayleigh fading channel by Tiwari, Yukti call number: AIT RSPR no. TC-98-14 |
Performance evaluation of interceptor drains : Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia, Pakistan by Aziz, Tariq call number: AIT Thesis no.WM-97-05 |
Performance measure of multimedia transmissions through LEO satellite communication systems by Rungroj Rasarak call number: AIT RSPR no. TC-98-4 |
Performance of full scale embankment with hexagonal wire mesh reinforcement and gabion facing by Somkiat Khwanpruk call number: AIT Thesis no. GE-97-11 |
Performance of NGO work over the last two decades in Sri Lankan tea plantation communities by Perera, W. Chitrangane call number: AIT Thesis no.HS-98-18 |