Browse by Year

Procedural development for level survey using real time kinematic GPS
by Manandhar, Dinesh
call number: AIT Thesis no.SR-98-20
Processing effect on quality of dried shrimp
by Waraporn Posomboon
call number: AIT Thesis no. AE-98-7
Production of chitin deactylase enzyme using absidia coerulea
by Thi Thi Nge
call number: AIT Thesis no. BP-98-7
Production scheduling and sequencing in a semiconductor industry : a case study
by Asawin Wongwiwat
call number: AIT Thesis no. ISE-98-41
Production scheduling and sequencing of pull/push and mixed systems
by Phan Tri Tuan Anh
call number: AIT Thesis no. ISE-98-22
Project schedule planning approach in uncertain environments
by Andi
call number: AIT Thesis no. ST-98-44
Project selection via interactive multiobjective programming :Nepal Electricity Authority
by Shrestha, Sujit
call number: AIT Thesis no. ISE-98-29
Prospects and risks of BOT projects for infrastructure development in Pakistan
by Nadeem, Abid
call number: AIT Thesis no. ST-98-35
Protected areas and local people : seeking the linkages : a case study in Phou Xieng Thong Protected Area, Lao PDR
by Sangthong Southammakoth
call number: AIT Thesis no.SR-98-13
Protecting intellectual property rights : impacts on China's software industry
by Chun, Qi
call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-83
Pulp and paper industry in Thailand : opportunities and challenges
by Zhu, Yuhui
call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-90
PVD improvement of reconstituted soft clay with and without electro-osmotic consolidation
by Patawaran, Ma. Aries B.
call number: AIT Thesis no. GE-97-04
Quality changes during salt curing of egg yolk
by Vo Tan Thanh
call number: AIT Thesis no. AE-98-9
Quality of postlarvae and its improvement from multiple spawning of Penaeus monodon broodstocks
by Hoang Tung
call number: AIT Thesis no. AS-98-04
Rapid application prototyping (RAP) for information system development
by Poramin Bheganan
call number: AIT Thesis no. IM-98-15
Reaction and deformability of an expansive agent under restraint conditions
by Liu, Liwen
call number: AIT Thesis no. ST-98-24
Recurrent risk assessment for Bangkok high-rise building projects
by Laemthong Laokhongthavorn
call number: AIT Thesis no. ST-98-31
Recycling wastewater from intensive hybrid catfish (Clarias Macrocepharus x Clarias gariepinus) culture for semi-intensive Nile tilapia (Orechromis niloticus) culture in cement tanks
by Ruechuta Sethteethunyahan
call number: AIT Thesis no. AS-98-13
Reduction of water utilization in chitosan production
by Nuttha Thongchul
call number: AIT Thesis no. BP-98-1
Relationship between Chinese automotive component suppliers and car assembler : a case study of Beijing Jeep Co., Ltd.
by Zhao, Chonglin
call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-54