Management for sustainable water resources development projects in Bangladesh by Rahman, Mashiur call number: AIT Thesis no.IP-98-08 |
Managing science parks : the case of Hong Kong by Li, Ming call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-28 |
Managing technology parks : a case study in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park of Taiwan by Chiang, Hsiu-chuan call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-81 |
Managing technology parks : a case study of science and technology parks in Malaysia and Singapore by Agus Susilo call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-32 |
Mangrove change detection using the landsat thematic mapper and effects on mangrove soil characteristics : a case study of the North Coast of Subang, West Java, Indonesia by Munibah, Khursatul call number: AIT Thesis no.SR-98-22 |
Market analysis for environmental pollution control technology and equipment in China by Xia, Lei call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-89 |
Market analysis for writing instruments in Myanmar by Myint Swe call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-51 |
Market analysis of imported dairy inputs in Thailand by Li, Yunmei call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-93 |
Market niche analysis for wind energy in Indonesia by Budi Suprapto call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-59 |
Market segmentation for wind energy in Vietnam by Nguyen Thu Thuy call number: AIT RSPR no.SM-98-66 |
Market-entry decisions and marketing strategies of MNCs for Asian markets : a case study of Thailand and Cambodia in the telecommunications industry by Hin Sopheap call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-2 |
Marketing wind energy in China by Han, Lin call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-29 |
Measurement of technology : a case study in a sugar factory in Nepal by Pandey, Bikram Raj call number: AIT RSPR no. SM-98-62 |
Measures for transportation system re-organization in the 36 old streets quarter of Hanoi, Vietnam by Nguyen Tung Lam call number: AIT Thesis no.HS-98-16 |
Mechanical properties of fly ash aggregate concrete by Pakanai Khaonongbua call number: AIT Thesis no.ST-98-03 |
Mechanical properties of lightweight fiber reinforced composites incorporating short natural fibers by Ong, Mary Elaine call number: AIT Thesis no. ST-98-20 |
Methods for induction of triploidy in common carp, (Cyprinus carpio) by Nguyen Minh Thanh call number: AIT Thesis no. AS-98-08 |
Microbial methane oxidation studies in laboratory scale experiments by Pokhrel, Dinesh call number: AIT Thesis no. EV-98-18 |
Mitigating NIMBY (not in my back yard) syndrome as barriers to landfill siting : a case study of economic and regulatory measures for Gokarna landfill site, Kathmandu, Nepal by Pradhan, Neera Shrestha call number: AIT Thesis no.UE-98-9 |
Modal analysis of submerged floating tunnels by Paiboon Tirasit call number: AIT Thesis no.ST-98-08 |